Ways To Get Involved at Clearwater Friends Meeting
Walking into a new organization or faith group can often seem daunting. After all, you are new and it may seem like everyone else is already connected and involved. Where do you start? How do you “break in?”
Following is a list of low-commitment suggestions for how to become more familiar with Clearwater Friends Meeting.
- Attend a Meeting for Worship and stay after for the social hour
- Share your “Joys or Sorrows” during that segment of Meeting for Worship
- Attend a potluck meal (usually the first Sunday of the month)
- Subscribe to QuakerNews our weekly newsletter and and receive weekly updates on our news of Friends, and activities. To subscribe, email the editor, at qnews.clearwaterfriends@gmail.com
- Subscribe to our Blog, and joint the conversation
- Follow us and "Like Us" on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ClearwaterQuakers/ to share locally, and the SouthEastern Yearly Meeting's Facebook Page to find out what's happing in Florida and the SEYM region.
- Subscribe to Friends Journal, currently FREE at www.friendsjournal.org
Find out more about a Clearwater Friends Committee that may interest you.
Check the links on this website and read the original writings of Quaker authors, including George Fox's Journal, and William Penn's Poems