About Clearwater Friends

Clearwater Friends Meeting

About Clearwater Friends Meeting

Clearwater Friends Is a Welcoming Unprogrammed Quaker Meeting

We are deeply committed to respecting and honoring all individuals, their race, ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation.

Taking Action for Peace, Equality and Justice

A Climate Forum was Hosted by Clearwater Friends

Clearwater Quakers hold a vigil for peace in Gaza May 4, 2024


Clearwater Quakers Standout for Peace

at 2024 Tax Day Vigil in Dunedin

Supporting One Another in Our Faith Journeys as a Community

Join us for a cup of coffee after worship or one of our monthly First Day Potluck Lunches

Everyone Is Welcome

Quaker Friends from all regions of the country come together to worship here. Some attend all year, while others spend the summer months in higher latitudes.  

While Most Attend In Person, Many Who Join Us Zoom 

While most attend Meeting for Worship in person most of the time, having a hybrid meeting using Zoom keeps us connected. Weather, distance, health or other difficulties can make it a challenge to get to the meeting house. Friends are still able to join in worship from across town, the next county, across country or even as far away as New Zealand!

Clearwater Friends Meeting Is Part of

Southeastern Yearly Meeting and Friends General Conference

About Southeastern Yearly Meeting

Southeastern Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends (SEYM) is a community of Quaker Meetings and Worship Groups in Florida, coastal Georgia and South Carolina, Managua, Nicaragua and Havana, Cuba. We are mostly known as Quakers, but also simply as ‘Friends.’

We brings together Friends from Meetings and Worship Groups in our region to share resources, deepen our faith, and work together to advocate for peace, social justice, and sustainability. We hold events in person and online, gathering for spiritual renewal, collaboration, friendship, and fun. We connect Friends to the wider Quaker community, and write and publish the SEYM Faith & Practice.

SEYM is in the unprogrammed, liberal branch of Quakers. We are affiliated with Friends General Conference and Friends World Committee for Consultation, and send representatives to several Friends organizations.


Quakers have a non-hierarchical organizational structure. In our yearly meeting, as in our monthly meetings, all authority rests with the group gathered in meeting for worship with attention to business. While we have Clerks and committee clerks who would seem to be leaders, their job is to facilitate the discernment involved in spirit-led decision-making, being sure that all voices are heard and gathering the sense of the meeting.

As a Yearly Meeting, we gather once a year for our Yearly Meeting Gathering & Annual Sessions, as well as for Fall and Winter Interim Business Meetings. Our Executive Committee meets prior to those business sessions, in the summer, and in specially called meetings when needed.

Our full name is Southeastern Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. We are incorporated in the State of Florida as a 501(c)3 religious non-profit organization.

-From https://seymquakers.org/welcome/about-seym/ 


SEYM FaceBook page

About Friends General Conference

Friends General Conference (FCG) https://www.fgcquaker.org/

Clearwater Friends Meeting is part of the Friends General Conference. To learn more about Quakers and Quakerism in action, visit this site: https://www.fgcquaker.org/quakerism/