Facing Climate Change

Get the Facts and Get Moving!

Watch this short TED Talk video posted August 2024.   It offers a positive and motivating explanation for the actions and timeline needed to halt climate heating and create a way of work as humans that will allow the planet to recover and remain a place where our children, grandchildren and their future generations can thrive. 

The Tipping Points of Climate Change — and Where We Stand | Johan Rockström | TED



There is no time to waste. We have to get moving and be leaders! 

Community Action: Large Scale Response

Here is what you can do

-The Alliance of World Scientists (AWS)

  • Gain and retain trust in scientists and the scientific process.
  • Focus on learning scientific facts and communicating them to other citizens and policy makers.
  • Speak out honestly to family, friends, and even strangers.
  • Contact elected officials about your environmental or climate concerns.
  • Stay informed about upcoming elections, and vote for candidates who take environmental and climate issues seriously.
  • Urge governments to take bold, ambitious action now on both climate and other environmental crises.
  • Be a discerning media consumer; don’t believe everything you read, corroborate before sharing.
  • Work together, with science in hand, to combat misinformation.
  • Join groups and organizations that are working for shared causes.


A portal for Quaker climate action across the globe

The universe is participatory, there are no bystanders. Our commitment to climate justice encourages us to see everything we do as something which is of god or against god. We are called to be whole with creation and act on the Truth which we find.

-from the closing statement of the Living Witness Gathering at Woodbrooke, England, 2022


Quakers Take Action on Climate Change

We Can Face Hard Truths and Help Those Who Are Fearful Confront Their Fears

We are called to live in right relationship with all Creation, recognizing that the entire world is interconnected and is a manifestation of God.

-Quaker Earthcare Witness 

Perhaps the best thing we can do today is practice hope. And help those who are fearful confront their fears.  To teach them to practice hope.

-Quinn Norton

Quaker Climate Change Resources 

Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW) is a network of Quakers inspiring Spirit-led action for ecological integrity and environmental justice. They offer online workshops and worship sharing, an Earthcare for Children Curriculum, pamphlets and resources.

Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT) is a grassroots, nonviolent action group that carries out effective campaigns in the northeast region. 

Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) is the Quaker lobby in Washington, DC, working for legislation on many Friends priorities, including climate, climate justice, environmental protection, and more. “We Seek An Earth Restored.”

Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) works at the multilateral level to promote effective, fair and ambitious climate action and environmental protection. 

 Quakers & Climate Change is a portal for Quaker climate action across the globe.

Quaker Institute of the Future (QIF) publishes research-based documents on a variety of Earthcare topics. Visit the QIF Publications page. 

Human Impacts of Climate Change

Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO)

We work at the multilateral level to promote urgent, healthy, equitable, and available-at-scale climate action and environmental protection. We address climate change and related environmental crises as a symptom of a greater challenge: how to live sustainably and justly on earth.

QUNO places consistent emphasis on the need to transform the root causes of climate change embedded in our political, economic and social systems. Our work is grounded in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change climate science findings for effective and equitable climate action to protect people and nature from the unprecedented levels of suffering and loss of life predicted with higher temperature rises.

On this basis, we work across multiple fora: through international negotiations at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), with climate science at the IPCC, at the Human Rights Council (HRC), and with the wider diplomatic community in Geneva.

Learn more: https://quno.org/areas-of-work/human-impacts-climate-change

Individual Action: Small Scale Response Matters!

Notice how many things you are already doing! Revise this list for your location and life season. 

Beverly Ward

Beverly Ward
Field Secretary for Earthcare

The Field Secretary for Earthcare (FSE) assists Southeastern Yearly Meeting and its Monthly Meetings and Worship Groups in discernment and implementation of projects and activities that promote care for the earth, and links SEYM efforts with the wider Quaker world.

Beverly Ward has been serving in this position since 2016. She is available to visit Meetings and Worship Groups, and to lead workshops for both adults and youth on a wide range of topics.

Beverly also connects us to the wider Quaker world. She has been serving as co-clerk of Quaker Earthcare Witness, where she also leads workshops. She works with the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO), serves on the QEW United Nations Working Group, is a corporate member to AFSC, and is our representative to the Florida Council of Churches. She performs pieces related to Earthcare as part of the Bohn Jeverly Theatrical Troupe, is an Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) facilitator, and teaches cultural/applied anthropology at USF.


Human Impacts of Climate Change
Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO)

We work at the multilateral level to promote urgent, healthy, equitable, and available-at-scale climate action and environmental protection. We address climate change and related environmental crises as a symptom of a greater challenge: how to live sustainably and justly on earth.

QUNO places consistent emphasis on the need to transform the root causes of climate change embedded in our political, economic and social systems. Our work is grounded in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change climate science findings for effective and equitable climate action to protect people and nature from the unprecedented levels of suffering and loss of life predicted with higher temperature rises.

On this basis, we work across multiple fora: through international negotiations at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), with climate science at the IPCC, at the Human Rights Council (HRC), and with the wider diplomatic community in Geneva.

Learn more: https://quno.org/areas-of-work/human-impacts-climate-change

Quakers Confront Climate Change
We Can Face Hard Truths and Help Those Who Are Fearful Confront Their Fears

We are called to live in right relationship with all Creation, recognizing that the entire world is interconnected and is a manifestation of God.

-Quaker Earthcare Witness 

Perhaps the best thing we can do today is practice hope. And help those who are fearful confront their fears.  To teach them to practice hope.

-Quinn Norton

YouTube: The Tipping Points of Climate Change — and Where We Stand | Johan Rockström | TED