
We appreciate your support.

Your Support Is Appreciated

Please know that we strive to be good stewards of all resources. 

Giving as You are Led

Those who attend will notice we have no offering or collection plate, nor pledges requested.  Contributions are entirely voluntary and private.  Your donation will go to the General Fund which supports the activities, programs, and expenses of the Meeting. ​

​Clearwater Friends Meeting is a  501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your gift is tax­-deductible.

Non-Monetary Contributions

Friends also contribute in many non-monetary ways with gifts of their time and talents. Clearwater Friends Meeting has a number initiatives in the community as well as within our meeting, there are always opportunities to participate. 

Ways to Make a Donation


Make checks payable to:

Clearwater Friends Meeting

and mail to:

PO Box 591; Dunedin, FL 34697

Recurring Bank Payment

You can set up a recurring automatic payment through your bank to be issued monthly.

Payable to:

Clearwater Friends Meeting

PO Box 591; Dunedin, FL 34697

(413) 992-7991


Recipient: Clearwater Friends Meeting

phone: (413) 992-7991




Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)

For those with taxable IRA RMDs, consider making a tax-free Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD).  Rules are very specific, seek detailed current tax information.


Consider leaving a gift to Clearwater Friends Meeting in your will. 

For further information about giving, contact us.